Missing OAC Summer Camp? Join us for
School's Out Camp
Join camp counselors and bring back the fun of summer with School’s Out Camp! We will be hosting a few days through the year when schools are off to give your children a day to have some fun with old friends and make new ones. Kids will have a blast with so many activities including sports, swimming, arts and crafts, team games, singing, and dancing.
December 27 & 28, January 15, February 19, and March 26, 27, & 28.
Ages 5-12
OAC Members: $65 | Non-Members: $80
Optional Lunch: $15 | Optional After Care (3-4 PM) $10
Contact Jon at jchu@oxfordathleticclub.com if you have any questions.
To sign up, click or tap the button above or complete the form below!
Please note: If you have registered for Regpack for OAC Summer Camp, you must create a second account to register for other youth programs.